译者声明:本篇搬运与@姐骑兵团水姐、@ST Allan大大共同完成。
*例行批注:本环境T表纯搬运自duellinksmeta(DLM)网站。T表由DLM网站每季排名最高的16名高玩组成的Top Player Council(TPC、高玩成员会),每周根据卡组在各类比赛中表现,经讨论后颁布。
新迷你卡盒“Arms of Giant”发布了,然而TPC并不指望环境会因此改变太大。【编号106 巨岩掌 巨人之手】本身是一张强卡,为任何一套能做R4的卡组提供了一次怪效康,这样先攻时的做场就总体上更稳了。我们还得观望一下新卡盒中会不会有卡组——比如无限启动——能在环境中至少作为次主流泛起点浪花。
With the Arms of Giant Mini BOX being released, the Top Player Council do not expect the meta to change all too much. Number 106: Giant Hand is a strong card in and of itself, giving any deck capable of making a Rank 4 Xyz Monster the ability to make a Monster Negate, strengthening their generic Turn 1 play against a non-targeted matchup. We will have to see whether or not any of the new decks from the latest box, like Infinitrack for example, make a splash in the meta at least as a Rogue option.
Mekk-Knights still, in the opinion of the Top Player Council, prove to be the deck to beat. It has the ability to go first and second effectively thanks to the Surprise Present package and the inherent qualities of the Mekk-Knight monsters. We’re slowly approaching a much more well-defined meta, as it doesn’t seem this new injection of cards will disrupt the metagame all too much, but only the future will tell for sure.
讲道理,狱炎机近乎可以和机界骑士并列成为Tier 1,特别是在无备牌的赛制里更是如此。对抗除机界骑士以外的卡组时,成功发动【炼狱的狂宴】
Infernoid could arguably be Tier 1 along with Mekk-Knights, especially in non-Side Deck formats. Resolving Void Feast is pretty much a win against any deck except Mekk-Knights. This can also play around World Legacy’s Secret by using Infernoid Decatron / Infernoid Patrulea + Void Seer. In Side Deck format, however, it has more blowouts against cards like Exile of the Wicked.
Davide Magri:
Salamangreat still holds the Tier 2 status for the time being, however its role in the meta isn’t anything more than a niche, and it could be considered as a much weaker choice than its companion Infernoid, meaning that it might be a prime candidate for a demotion. The deck isn’t bad by any means, but it’s simply too reliant on non-engine cards if it’s going second, as there is no way to break a Mekk-Knight or an Infernoid board otherwise. It can still hold his own going first against pretty much anything in the format, however in practice that isn’t enough to make the deck shine above alternative options.
彼岸又撑住了一周:在TPC看来是一套很纠结的卡组。不考虑环境的话,卡组拥有【永远的淑女 贝缇丽彩】
Burning Abyss hangs on another week: a much-conflicted deck in the Eyes of the Top Player Council. In a vacuum its a fine choice as Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal pass is a competent opening against most decks in general and probably will be for a while. The problem being there are inherent matchup flaws with the best decks in the format, each having a way to disrupt the Graveyard or generally mess with BA’s ability to play the game it wants to play. It stays Tier 3 for now, but it wouldn’t be surprising if it goes the way of the Rogue Deck.
Code Talker and Mermail Atlantean have both left the Tier List. While both can perform well in ladder environments, being able to end a ton of games with incredible speed, this does not translate as well in a tournament environment: where the existence of these “go-next” scenarios will be the difference between Topping and not Topping.