*例行批注:本环境T表纯搬运自duellinksmeta(DLM)网站。T表由DLM网站每季排名最高的16名高玩组成的Top Player Council(TPC、高玩成员会),每周根据卡组在各类比赛中表现,经讨论后颁布。
After the nerfs to Odd-Eyes and Destiny Hero, Tenyi and BLS are the two best decks. Taking 2 Crackdowns from Destiny HEROs and cutting Shooting Riser Dragon from Odd-Eyes relieved the decks. This time, their biggest threat is Artifact Lancea.
Tenyi feels stronger than it looks. Ice Dragon’s Prison, Dark Hole, Lava Golem, Kaijus and/or Mystical Space Typhoon are the preferred techs to make games easier. It was very good that Three Effects!’ 3rd effect was nerfed (primarily but not solely because of Tenyi). As we saw in the KCC, Trickstar started to play with the Skill in order to mislead the opponent.
Playmaker EY:
Tenyi got a slight hit with the Three Effects! Nerf, as you now only gain 1800 Life Points when targeting Berserker of the Tenyi instead of 3000. I don’t think this will affect the deck too much, as it still has all the tools that made it Tier 1. Perhaps more players will start main decking backrow like Ice Dragon’s Prison for more protection.
Black Luster Soldier appears to be the deck with a wide range of tech options in the new meta. It will get even better results in Side Deck tournaments.
I personally think Black Luster Soldier is better than Tier 2. To me at least, it seems obvious that this is the best deck, being completely untouched by both a banlist and Skill nerfs.
The ability to play almost any tech combined an extremely powerful engine to sack through almost every board is extremely scary. The deck does have a weakness to Artifact Lancea specifically, but at the moment it feels like Side Decks are all about not letting the opponent play. This is a weakness in other decks as well, which BLS can exploit.
Tier 3 is mostly comprises of Tech-heavy decks (and Gandora, the most competent Orcust vehicle). They can fairly reliably establish their baseline play, which they can then further accompany with techs. While these decks are “fine” in a vacuum, they just don’t have the ceilings that BLS and Tenyi are capable of reaching, or as strong of a board as similarly Tech-heavy Rokket Decks can produce. I would probably wager Salamangreat is more poised for success in this specific meta, as they have Xyz flexibility that allows for Abyss Dweller, which is more pertinent in this specific meta, but we’ll have to see.
Playmaker EY:
Backrow decks gained lots of popularity in the past weeks, which sadly makes it hard for Ursarctic to compete, as it loses so hard to them, while it’s out for now, it might return in the future if the format shifts.
I think Infinitrack is definitely not to be underestimated right now. It already was not a bad contender before the banlist, as shown by some topping results in the latest KC Cup, and with so many other decks nerfed it should be even better positioned in the meta right now.
我觉得D/D/D是另一套应当注意的卡组。现在又可以带3张【DD 漩涡史莱姆】了,这样就使得卡组回到了去年KCGT一阶段时的巅峰水平。虽然环境相比当时已经变得更卷了,不过有着【DDD 烈火大王执行铁木真】魔陷对策保护的R8大肌霸OTK还是很吓人滴。
I think D/D/D is another deck that should be looked out for in my opinion. With the ability to play 3 D/D Swirl Slime again, the deck is back at the strength it had in the KCGT Main Tournament Stage 1 last year. Granted, the meta has gotten stronger since then but Rank 8 OTKs with a D/D/D Flame High King Genghis to protect from backrow are still very threatening.
Playmaker EY:
我相信D/D/D在接下来几周会是一套强大的卡组,它可以靠【DDD 烈火大王执行铁木真】应对后场阻抗,并用【热血指导王巨人驯兽师】滤抽,上手泛用卡。这些都是很强的闪光点,在side制比赛中更是如此(像【古遗物—朗基努斯】这样的环境针对卡能一卡让对面停牌)。在之前的环境中,D/D/D的退表主要是由于禁限表带来的稳定性问题,而现在这一问题已经基本不存在了。
I believe D/D/D will be strong in the upcoming weeks, the deck has the ability to play around backrow easily with D/D/D Flame High King Genghis and is able to consistently draw into techs thanks to Coach King Giantrainer. These boons are quite powerful, especially in Side Deck format (where meta-specific techs like Artifact Lancea are stronger). In past formats, the deck primarily fell off due to banlist-related consistency loss, which they have mostly recovered from.
Playmaker EY:
虽然随着新禁限表的到来,异色眼失去了其先手时的大部分威力,但由于其优势的混沌士兵对局,它仍然是当前环境中的一个不错选择。遇上混沌士兵只要先手做【红莲蔷薇龙】除外对手的墓地资源,基本就是自动胜利了。后手时,异色眼也仍然拥有强力OTK终端【冰结界还零龙 三叉龙】和【霸王烈龙 异色眼狂怒龙】。
While Odd-Eyes lost most of its Turn 1 power in the last banlist, the deck can still be a good option in the current format thanks to its great Black Luster Soldier match-up. This is because Ruddy Rose Dragon Turn 1 is functionally an auto-win against BLS. Going second, it still has most of its OTK tools like Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier and Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon.
天威和混沌太便宜,怕是不能登顶太久。。。 话说淘气仙星默认都是先手吗?好几次被他们ftk了