



*例行批注:本环境T表纯搬运自duellinksmeta(DLM)网站。T表由DLM网站每季排名最高的16名高玩组成的Top Player Council(TPC、高玩成员会),每周根据卡组在各类比赛中表现,经讨论后颁布。


With a new Main BOX on the horizon, and a new banlist hinting at some powerful cards coming with the ever-prolific New Years Box + Selection BOX card injection, we’re on the cusp of a potential shake-up to the meta. While we’re still in the dark regarding the specifics it’s still exciting to see what the new year can bring for Duel Links.





Not much has changed in regard to Mekk-Knights, and with the recent banlist announcement changing nothing in the meta aside from unlimits we should expect Mekk-Knights to remain strong for the foreseeable future (barring some Skill change on Surprise Present which would require adaptation).



No changes to Mekk-Knights on the tier list as they keep performing better and more consistent than the other top decks in tournaments.





Infernoid is arguably the next best deck in the format, acting somewhat like a gatekeeper with its “Can you beat Void Feast?” challenge. With big bodies, silver bullet interaction, and explosive turns, Infernoid have solidified their foothold in the format.



Infernoids is still the strongest tier 2 deck we have at the moment. It stays a disturbing matchup to almost all decks in the meta. In side deck tournaments and leagues we still see a lot of side deck slots being reserved for ways to counter this deck, which further proves how annoying this deck can be to play against.


炎兽在环境中有所式微,不过它仍然是一套稳定的、靠不断刷资源取胜的卡组。除了部分炎兽卡组投入了【编号106 巨岩掌 巨人之手】【搬运】决斗链接国际服【2022/11/28】环境T表——圣诞节前的最后一张T表作为第一回合的站场怪兽以外,炎兽的构筑没有发生什么大的改变。

Salamangreat has been waning a bit, but it still serves as a solid reosource-generation deck in the format. While some decks have been incorporating Number 106: Giant Hand as a more generic Turn 1 Xyz Monster, not too much has changed for Salamangreat.

Davide Magri:


Salamangreat holds on to its dear life in Tier 2, but it is in a grey area where it’s fairly worse than Infernoids while being a generally more well-rounded deck than D/D/D, sitting in a zone in-between the two. Needle Ceiling is still doing a lot of the heavy lifting for the deck and realistically there’s not much else to be said, as the deck didn’t exactly change in any way in the last few weeks.





D/D/D has seen some uptick in the format, having the ability to produce big bodies, run malleable interaction with a searchable Dark Contract with the Witch, and dedicate tech slots to Book of Moon (a strong tech in the current format). With Meklord all but disappearing (which may change given the unlimit to Meklord Assembly, but this is doubtful) there’s no detriment to running 1-2 Card of the Soul to boost up D/D/D Doom King Armageddon consistency, which has been another boon for the deck.

Davide Magri:


D/D/D establishes itself as the de-facto fourth best deck of the format. It has decent matchups all around, however, while it has still one of the highest ceilings in the game in terms of power, it has a hard time fitting relevant backrow for every deck in the format without hindering its already lackluster consistency. It’s not a bad choice by any mean, but you’ll need to be in a lucky day to perform with this one.

Davide Magri:


D/D/D joins the Tier List for now, as the deck has shown better results than other potential Tier 3 / Rogue decks in the most recent couple of weeks. As we all know, the deck struggles with its consistency still, but the high ceiling allows for occasionally great results.





Burning Abyss has been demoted due to the high representation of Book of Moon in the current meta game coupled with the difficulty of dealing with Surprise Present Mekk-Knight.

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